Use your own domain for your RSS feed
Yes, you can use your own website (mysite.com, example.co.uk, etc.) with Awesound!
It's part of our mission to help you have a direct relationship with your listeners.
To use Awesound's RSS and authentication engine with your own website, simply add a DNS record (of type "CNAME") to point to Awesound's servers.
Add three CNAMEs,
1. One with subdomain "feed" pointing to "feed.awesound.com"
  • Type: CNAME
  • "Host" / "subdomain": feed
  • The "TTL (Time to Live)" is not so important; choose the smallest available option.
2. One with subdomain "awesound" pointing to "awesound.com"
  • Type: CNAME
  • "Host" / "subdomain": awesound
3. One with subdomain "awesoundfeed" pointing to "awesound.com"
  • Type: CNAME
  • "Host" / "subdomain": awesoundfeed