If you're using Stripe to process all the payments on your website, an alternative (and free) option is to connect Awesound directly with your Stripe account.
Awesound will be automatically notified about successful purchases. If the purchase is for a relevant audio product, Awesound will automatically create individual access and email the customer with their unique link to start.
Option 1: Concierge onboarding
For free concierge onboarding: Book a call, or add developer@awesound.com as an administrator on your Stripe account
Click to expand: How to add Awesound as a team member
Mark (CEO at Awesound), will personally write to you to confirm when setup is complete (typically within 2 working days), or if any additional information is required.
Option 2: Set up the Stripe integration yourself
Click to expand: Create webhooks and an API key
Step 1: Add a webhook
Step 2: Create an API key for Awesound
Step 3: Save your API key to your Awesound account