Add UTM parameters to your product page
In a sentence: Adding "?utm_source=…&utm_campaign=…" to links you share will help you see where your customers are coming from.
When sharing a link to your product page, you can add UTM parameters.
If you do, they'll be saved to the payment, so you can measure which of your marketing efforts are most useful.


It's tempting to share this URL on social media, in emails, etc., just like that.
But, before you do, you can add UTM parameters manually, or using a helper like this:
The result will be a long URL like this:
Tip: Be sure to test your URL before sharing it.
For example, you might share four different links:
When you share a link on your FREE personal Facebook page, your people "like" the post… but do they click through and actually buy? Here's one way to know: share this long link and see if any payments have this utm_source and utm_medium: https://awesound.com/a/standing-in-gaps?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fb_free&utm_campaign=Xmas_2021
It's easy to WASTE money on Facebook ads — be careful! Facebook might tell you how many people clicked on your ad… but how many of them went ahead and actually purchased? If you are promoting a unique link like this, it will be easy to measure whether you're making a profit on FB ads, or just wasting money. Example URL: https://awesound.com/a/standing-in-gaps?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fb_ads_cpc&utm_campaign=Xmas_2021
Twitter shortens URLs anyway, so you may as well share a UNIQUE link on Twitter, to see if customers are actually coming from Twitter, or if you time would be better spent elsewhere. Exampe, as part of your Xmas 2021 PR push: https://awesound.com/a/standing-in-gaps?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_organic&utm_campaign=Xmas_2021
Say you appear on a podcast, or a friend writes about you in their blog: you can make a unique link for them, so you can see if any customers clicked through and purchased as a result of this effort. Example, if you're interviewed by Tim Ferriss, you might give him this link for his podcast show notes: https://awesound.com/a/standing-in-gaps?utm_source=podcasts&utm_medium=timferriess&utm_campaign=launch_pr
I would recommend just having three UTM terms:
  • utm_source
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_medium
like this:
Optionally, you could also include utm_term and utm_content, if you're running many many different campaigns with different links… but no need to over-complicate things if UTM parameters are new to you!
Optionally, you can include more terms, like utm_term and utm_content – but no need to over-complicate things.
You'll see the "UTM parameters" in your payments table, so you can see which promo efforts are actually working.
Toggle to add these five columns to the payments table:
Screenshot from https://awesound.com/payments/table
Questions? Email support@awesound.com and we'll be glad to advise!